Couples seek therapy for a variety of reasons but a common theme in all couple therapy consultations is that the relationship is not working as they had intended to. Symptoms described include:
Difficulties communicating- often experienced as the other person not listening
Emotional distancing –feeling the other isn’t available
Sexual and intimacy difficulties/loss of desire
Adjusting to parenthood
Alcohol and drug abuse affecting one or both of the couple
Financial difficulties/debt burden
Difficulty with in-laws
Couple sessions last for one hour and usually a couple will attend for an average of four to six sessions. Often the decision to seek help will itself have a beneficial impact on the relationship and help to lower the anxiety that the couple experience when their relationship gets into difficulty. The aim of the work is to uncover the blocks that are having a negative impact on the relationship and to release /dissolve these blocks so that the couple can co- create their relationship as they had intended to. The benefits that a couple can expect is that they become empowered to take their relationship to a higher level and that they can develop skills to handle conflict effectively.